It's so important to teach our kids about garden safety, but it can be tricky. After all, you want them to learn the rules and stay safe, without feeling overwhelmed or scared. So where do you start? Well, I'm here to help! In this article, I'll share my top tips for teaching kids about garden safety in a fun and engaging way. From creating a garden plan together to introducing tools they can use safely with supervision - there are lots of creative ways to get your little ones excited about being out in nature while keeping them safe at the same time. Plus, learning how to be responsible around plants and animals is an essential life skill that will serve them well into adulthood. So let's dive right in! Whether you're new to gardening as a family or just need some fresh ideas to keep things exciting - by the end of this article, you'll have everything you need to make sure your kids are having fun and staying safe during their outdoor adventures. h2 id=...